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MOD 合成表 Recipe Browser 的描述

中文介绍 Use the "Toggle Recipe Browser" hotkey to show/hide the recipe browser. (Assign it in the keybindings menu)<br><br>Use the "Query Hovered Item" hotkey to quickly bring up the recipe browser with the hovered item. (Assign it in the keybindings menu, I suggest middle click)<br><br>Click on any Recipe to see details. Use categories and search filter to find the recipe you want.<br><br>Alt click on a recipe to pin a recipe.<br><br>Place an item in the slot to find related recipes.<br><br>You can view extended crafting options in the Craft menu. Recipes that can be satisfied with multiple crafting steps will be here.<br><br>Also try out the Item Catalogue and Bestiary.<br><br>There is an integrated Help in the Recipe Browser as well.<br><br>If you get stuck during "Rebuilding Loot Cache", let me know which mod is causing the issue by contacting me on the discord server.
外文介绍 Use the "Toggle Recipe Browser" hotkey to show/hide the recipe browser. (Assign it in the keybindings menu)<br /><br />Use the "Query Hovered Item" hotkey to quickly bring up the recipe browser with the hovered item. (Assign it in the keybindings menu, I suggest middle click)<br /><br />Click on any Recipe to see details. Use categories and search filter to find the recipe you want.<br /><br />Alt click on a recipe to pin a recipe.<br /><br />Place an item in the slot to find related recipes.<br /><br />You can view extended crafting options in the Craft menu. Recipes that can be satisfied with multiple crafting steps will be here.<br /><br />Also try out the Item Catalogue and Bestiary.<br /><br />There is an integrated Help in the Recipe Browser as well.<br /><br />If you get stuck during "Rebuilding Loot Cache", let me know which mod is causing the issue by contacting me on the discord server.

QQ|友链申请|Archiver|手机版|小黑屋|游芯沙盒 ( 陕ICP备11006283号-1 )

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