中文介绍 Summary [g:4] <br>Based on the Boss Health Bars mod, but with my own twist on it because why not.<br><img src="direct/icons/184.png"> Show the boss\' head icon.<br><img src="direct/icons/184.png"> Kinda supports non-standard bosses.<br><img src="direct/icons/184.png"> Customised health bar graphics for some bosses.<br><img src="direct/icons/184.png"> Has extra settings stored in Mod Configs/YetAnotherBHB.json<br><img src="direct/icons/184.png"> Easily extensible for modders.<br><img src="direct/icons/184.png"> Support for hamstar\'s <span style="color:#AADDFF">Mod Helpers</span> mod.<br> <br><img src="direct/icons/58.png"> <span style="color:#FFFF00">Credits</span> <img src="direct/icons/58.png"><br>Flashkirby99 - I am making this mod.<br> <br>[g:13] <span style="color:#FFFF00">Config Settings v2</span> [g:14]<br><span style="color:#AADDFF">ShowBossHealthBars</span> (true) enable health bars. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">SmallHealthBars</span> (false) force all health bars to use the small frame. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarDrawDistance</span> (5000) maximum distance away from a boss health bars will be drawn for. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarUIScreenOffset</span> (16) pixel distance from the bottom of the screen to draw from. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarUIStackOffset</span> (6) pixel distance between each bar when multiple bosses are present. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarUIDefaultAlpha</span> (1.0) default transparency of drawn bars from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque). <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarUIMaxStackSize</span> (0.15) amount of the screen that is allowed to be taken by boss health bars. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarUIScreenLength</span> (0.5) width of the health bar relative to the screen size. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarUIFadeTime</span> (30) number of frames to fade in/out. 60 frames is 1 second. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarUIFadeHover</span> (0.5) transparency of health bars when moused over. <br> <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarFXShake</span> (false) enable shaking when a boss takes damage. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarFXShakeHorizontal</span> (0.5) allow shaking horizontally, which may look messy. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarFXShakeIntensity</span> (2) how much to shake the bar by. <br> <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarFXChip</span> (true) show the amount of damage dealt over a per">What\'s the difference between this and Boss Health Bars? Preference mostly. Barack Obama Ross\' one has more customisation, whereas this one is more silly effects.<br> <br>[g:5] <span style="color:#FFFF00">Summary</span> [g:4] <br>Based on the Boss Health Bars mod, but with my own twist on it because why not.<br><img src="direct/icons/184.png"> Show the boss\' head icon.<br><img src="direct/icons/184.png"> Kinda supports non-standard bosses.<br><img src="direct/icons/184.png"> Customised health bar graphics for some bosses.<br><img src="direct/icons/184.png"> Has extra settings stored in Mod Configs/YetAnotherBHB.json<br><img src="direct/icons/184.png"> Easily extensible for modders.<br><img src="direct/icons/184.png"> Support for hamstar\'s <span style="color:#AADDFF">Mod Helpers</span> mod.<br> <br><img src="direct/icons/58.png"> <span style="color:#FFFF00">Credits</span> <img src="direct/icons/58.png"><br>Flashkirby99 - I am making this mod.<br> <br>[g:13] <span style="color:#FFFF00">Config Settings v2</span> [g:14]<br><span style="color:#AADDFF">ShowBossHealthBars</span> (true) enable health bars. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">SmallHealthBars</span> (false) force all health bars to use the small frame. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarDrawDistance</span> (5000) maximum distance away from a boss health bars will be drawn for. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarUIScreenOffset</span> (16) pixel distance from the bottom of the screen to draw from. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarUIStackOffset</span> (6) pixel distance between each bar when multiple bosses are present. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarUIDefaultAlpha</span> (1.0) default transparency of drawn bars from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (opaque). <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarUIMaxStackSize</span> (0.15) amount of the screen that is allowed to be taken by boss health bars. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarUIScreenLength</span> (0.5) width of the health bar relative to the screen size. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarUIFadeTime</span> (30) number of frames to fade in/out. 60 frames is 1 second. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarUIFadeHover</span> (0.5) transparency of health bars when moused over. <br> <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarFXShake</span> (false) enable shaking when a boss takes damage. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarFXShakeHorizontal</span> (0.5) allow shaking horizontally, which may look messy. <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarFXShakeIntensity</span> (2) how much to shake the bar by. <br> <br><span style="color:#AADDFF">HealthBarFXChip</span> (true) show the amount of damage dealt over a per
外文介绍 What\'s the difference between this and Boss Health Bars? Preference mostly. Barack Obama Ross\' one has more customisation, whereas this one is more silly effects.<br /> <br />[g:5] <span style=
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