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分享 可喜安医疗器械有限公司荣获国际标准验收合格证 1
shibu1237 2016-9-29 17:13
延吉可喜安医疗器械有限公司生产的《KCM-5500大型温热褥垫》符合IEC-60335-2-17:2006标准,2012年10月获得了吉林省质量技术监督局颁发的国际标准验收合格证。 国际电工委员会(IEC)成立于1906年,至今已有90多年的历史。它是世界上成立最早的国际性电工标准 ...
336 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 可喜安医疗器械有限公司经营理念----仁
shibu1237 2016-9-29 17:12
时刻准备的人才有机会 朴杰董事长生于黑龙江省宁安县,19岁时已开始下海经商。常年辗转于延吉、北京和天津、上海、青岛等城市,积累了丰富的经商经验。自2002年任山东省青岛市喜来健信息咨询有限公司的总 ...
540 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 可喜安医疗器械有限公司获国家知识产权局颁发的发明专
shibu1237 2016-9-29 17:11
精益求精追求卓越 可喜安医疗器械有限公司获国家知识产权局颁发的发明专利证书 董事长:朴杰 7年耕耘造就了可喜安如今的辉煌;自强不息的精神,坚持不懈的努力成就了企业奇迹。在这金秋送爽欢乐祥和的季节里,7周岁的可喜安满载收获与喜悦,昂首展望更加辉煌的 ...
303 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 可喜安床垫及时为您的健康保驾护航
shibu1237 2016-9-28 17:17
可喜安床垫一经问世,就受到广大消费者的喜爱。其凭借 优质的产品质量、卓越的治疗效果、安全便捷的使用方式赢得了广大消费者的信赖和喜爱。 通过回访我们了解到消费者认为新型可喜安床垫不仅外形更加美观,新增加的多种功能也让 可喜安 床垫变得更加实用,更加人性化。 & ...
359 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 5.FreeOnAll.com- Everything is free
sw368vows1 2016-9-27 08:31
1. ThisNext.com- I really liked that they offer a "what's hot by city" feature. I could easily check out what other experienced shoppers were saying about some great deals in my city. It also helps that my city (Chicago) is the 5th most active on thisnext, so I came across many great finds there. ...
404 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 if the price is right
sw368vows1 2016-9-26 09:01
Many buyers have questions to ask home inspectors about the structure of the home. Keep in mind home inspectors can not see into or through walls. Home inspectors can see what they can see and make a few educated guesses. Home inspectors are likely to miss hidden damages from insects, rot, water an ...
359 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 in turn saves you more money.
sw385sfws1 2016-9-24 22:59
He reminded viewers that Fox demoted 55-year-old sideline reporter Pam Oliver from the first-string NFL announce team of Joe Buck and Troy Aikman in favor of 38-year-old Erin Andrews, Cheap Gear S2 . There are several other minor reasons for shopping online but the three mentioned above is go ...
700 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Pacific Sunwear will suffer mightily. But
sw368vows1 2016-9-24 12:50
More likely, PacSun Outlets in these states are meant to benefit from the expected population growth in their surrounding communities, and were developed because of the danger of saturation in states such as New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Michigan, online galaxy note 5 for sale , Illinois, and Cal ...
375 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 back away from a simple
sw368vows1 2016-9-23 08:00
When you walk into an ice cream store you expect to see ice cream, a shoe store--shoes, an electronics store--televisions. The point is one that merchants have known forever. You can't sell what people don't see on the shelves. Website designers, Cheap LG TV For Sale , however, are not merchants ...
320 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 使用可喜安温热电位治疗仪床垫三个阶段注意事项
shibu1237 2016-9-22 16:35
可喜安温热电位治疗仪床垫主要有两部分组成,控制器和褥垫本体。工作时需连接并且插电,因为 可喜安 温热电位治疗仪床垫是通电工作的,在使用过程中一点要遵守注意事项,才能安全有效的使用产品。在使用可喜安温热电位治疗仪床垫的三个过程中都有不同的注意事项,下面让我们来了解一下。 使用之前注意事项 ...
343 次阅读|0 个评论

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